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Lotus 7 s2 Blue Print for Office or Garage. Caterham Westfield 7 Digital

Lotus 7 s2 Blue Print for Office or Garage. Caterham Westfield 7 Digital


Now in digital media format part of the sale generates a donation to an animal charity PDSA

This is a direct copy of a plan set. My son has owned this since the days before the Internet. 

It's a S2 Chassis plan and is like most things has had its changes and improvements.

A unique present for any seven owner.


These plans have had cars built from them so they are usable thou not complete.

I have one framed in a large display in the hall of my home.  A2 Size 

You will have to provide your email address to receive a direct download file 

The model shown in the listing is for reference purposes only to help the non English users of EBay UK

to understand the type of car constructed from these blue prints. 

It's not for sale on this listing.

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